Chaos Emeralds

The emeralds can turn thoughts into power,warp time and space with a technique called Chaos Control, give energy to all living things, and be used to create nuclear or laser based weaponry. Each of the emeralds contain vast quantities of pure Chaos energy, highly potent and powerful. The current power levels after the merging is unknown but most likely incomprehensibly great. Alone they enhance and empower the holder, together they have theoretically unlimited potential and can induce super transformations.

Quick Fact-

When all of the chaos emeralds are used, they all get seperated once again getting warped to many different planets.( according to Sonic X)


Master Emerald

 It resides in a shrine on Angel Island and is currently guarded by Knuckles the Echidna, as only those of the Echidna Tribe are able to control it. Its power is what keeps Angel Island afloat in the sky. It can control the power of the Chaos Emeralds, including neutralizing or amplifying their energies.

 Dark Chaos Emeralds

I'm not sure if these exist yet but if they didn't, I made them up. Everyone on Mobius knows or has heard about the chaos emeralds. But only a few has heard about the dark chaos emeralds. These emeralds have no meaning to life but darkness. As the chaos emeralds hold happiness and life, the dark emeralds hold evil and death.

Sometime in our series, Sonic and Knuckles are out fighting a evil guy called Xoarda ( a villian that I made up) and his Xoarmins (workers) are too powerfull. So Knuckles tells Sonic that they might have to use the chaos emeralds. Sonic runs off and finds them near the master emerald. They looked different but Sonic just ignored it. He goes Super and defeats them. They soon go back home. Both Knuckles and Moonlight realise that Sonic has been acting different so they start asking him questions. Sonic soon cracks it and runs off. He soon meets up with a strange man and decides to follow him ( not realising that it's Xoarda in desguise). He starts to talk up Sonic and makes him angry which makes Sonic turn Dark. Moonlight and Knuckles then realise that Sonic has been gone for awhile so they go off to look for him. They come accross hearing a scream and realise that it was Sonic (transforming into dark super sonic) They find Xoarda and Sonic. A huge battle goes on and they end up saving sonic from darkness...:)