Below are some stories that we want to share with you that we wrote..:) Enjoy

Please Email us on for comments...:)

SONIC GOES FLEETWAY SUPER SONIC!----By Lily (the very first story that we wrote)

One sunny day on Mobius,Sonic, Amy,Tails and Knuckles were out for a picnic at Moonlights house.When they got to Moonlight's house, she greeted them in with a smile and said to them " Why don't we have the picnic outside in the warm sun?". Sonic, Amy, Knuckles and Tails all said OK at the same time. "I'm starving!" cried Sonic. " Great!" said Moonlight. " I cooked up a feast for us, I hope you like it". They all sat down at the table and said " Where's all the food?" " I'll get it now" Moonlight said. With a click of Moonlights fingers, all the food was on the table. It was a MASSIVE three course meal. "WOW!  " they all shouted.

After the feast they all went out for a walk. Moonlight took them to her favourite place. It was called the Waterfall of Chaos. When they were walking throught the forest, Moonlight said " Watch out for the ditch" But Sonic was too late, he fell into the dark, massive hole. " OH NO!" cried Moonlight, she forgot that hole was where the Chaos Energy is stored. Knuckles dived down into the whole. The rest of them followed. They saw Sonic shivering in the corner of the dark somelike....cave. Sonic looked worried. " W-what's happening t-to me?" he stuttered. They all looked at eachother and started to argue.

Knuckles yelled at Moonlight. " You should not have taken us to this STUPID place!". They went on and on untill Sonic shouted at them. "SHUT UP!" They looked at Sonic. His body was gold, his quills were pointed upward, and his eyes were the most scarest out of this transformation. They were glowing white, with his iris's being red swirls. Tails stuttered. " W-what's happening to S-sonic" Moonlight looked at Sonic. " Stop stressing Sonic, your under chaos energy" Sonic Mumbled "It's already too late" Moonlight fainted!

Amy ran up to Moonlight and said to the others " I'll take care of this" They all screamed and Sonic yelled " I am so POWERFUL! My power will let me destroy anything I want..HAHAHA!" He started boucing on and off the walls , he was completely WILD! Moonlight awoke and gave him some Moon oil, but it didn't seem to work at all. Moonlight walked back. " It's not working" she said. Amy pored cold water on him and he got worse and worse...

No wonder what will happen next!


Emeralds Of Darkness~ By Shay...( sorry about the big spaces)

 “You’re friends have not been harmed. The only reason I took them prisoner was to lure you here” Black Narcissus said. Sonic, Moonlight, Tails, Knuckles and Cosmo were on the Metarex’s ship to investigate a strange energy type.Unfortuantly, everyone besides Sonic was captured so he went back to rescue them. : You see, I’ve heard so many stories about your powers that I decided to bring you here for an experiment” Sonic rolled his eyes. : Sorry pal, but I’m a hedgehog, not a guinea pig. Now were my friends” asked Sonic. “You will co-operate with my experiment. We will start by collecting data on your strength and speed” “I already told ya, there’s no way I’m gonna help you. Now show me were my friends are!”Sonic’s temperature was slowly rising. “If you refuse, I will have to experiment on your friends” Black Narcissus pushed a button which made a glass dome come out of the ground. Inside it were Tails, Cosmo, Knuckles and Moonlight. But something wasn’t right. Moonlight was passed out. Seeing this sight made Sonic’s anger rise more and more. “It’s a trap Sonic” yelled Knuckles. “Be quiet you!” With a push of a button, they all got electrocuted. They all yelled in pain. “Noooo!!” yelled Sonic. The dome went back into the ground. Sonic followed it to the ground, but was blocked of. He was shaking. “The fate of your friends lies entirely in your hands, if you choose to appose me then I will assure you, they will pay a painful price, I’m sure that it will be quite entertaining..Nyah...Hahahaha” Sonic was growing more and more angry. “Well, sonic, what is your decision? Are you ready to proceed with the experiment?”

Sonic’s POV

I looked into the eyes of Cosmo and Tails. They both looked so scared. In all my life, I have never seen Tails as frightened as this. And something was wrong with Moonlight. She was just lying there. Breathing. She must have been knocked out by one of Black Narcissus’s Metarexs. Knuckles was just kneeling down next to Moonlight. He looked just as scared as the others but I knew that on the inside, he was standing strong. I felt scared myself, something was happening to me but I didn’t know what. I felt anger and rage, of seeing what Black Narcissus had done to my closest of friends. I felt some strange energy being absorbed into me, but it felt different. It must have been something to do with the fake chaos emeralds. This experiment had to stop; if it didn’t then something would go terribly go wrong. I tried to tell Black Narcissus to stop doing this, but my words were being held back by a force. It must be my dark side coming through. 

 “I’ve never seen Cosmo look so scared” Sonic was still shaking. “Huh…she should be!” he said. “ Argghh” Sonic’s fur turned from its natural cobalt blue color to a blackish-blue color. “ And Moonlight was passed out, what did you do to her!” A black aura went around Sonic. “She attempted to escape and was taught a painful lesson” Two Metarex’s felt onto the ground. “ It is time for the experiment, these two Metarex were designed by me especially for this occasion. Gold will test your strength and silver, your speed. I based my Metarex designs on data that was collected during previous battles against you. I’m agar to see their powerful enough to defeat you” Sonic began to laugh evilly.”Hahaha….Alright then, lets test ‘em out!”  He sprung out of position, disappearing like he had used chaos control. Slicing his way through the silver Metarex in a matter of seconds. “Nyahh” Then destroying the gold one in just a few hits. Sonic was now fully transformed into Dark Super Sonic. “Looks like you’ll have to go back to the drawing board” Black Narcissus looked into the mist and saw a pair of pupiless eyes.

To be continued....